Wednesday, 12 March 2025

After Udine 2025


From Mattia Maritan Sensei, Shibu. Maritan Dojo Padova Italy

I participated for the umpteenth time in an extraordinary seminar, extraordinary like all the others, but each time a little different.
Taira Sensei, head of Okinawa Gōjū Ryū Kenkyūkai, expressed himself as usual best with the pleasure, generosity and smile of sharing his research with all of us.
There is something genius in his interpretation of Karate, in his way of studying Karate, in the way he presents and offers Karate, his Karate.
After meeting Taira Sensei it's really hard to imagine there could be anything else, at least that's my opinion.
I’d like to thank Master Buttazzoni and all his staff at Karate Udine that made this wonderful event possible once again. And this year it was a special occasion because we celebrated the 30th anniversary of Maestro Taira’s first visit to Italy.
The seminar certainly allowed to appreciate and experience the continuous upgrading of our Karate through Taira Sensei.
But above all it allows to gather under one roof, and here the word Gasshō takes on all its deepest meaning, so many people from all parts of the world, each with their own personality, each with their lived, each with their Karate, but under the guidance of Taira sensei was becoming one of a kind
Thank you for all this, thank you for these three fantastic days, thank you for the closing night.
Ho partecipato per l'ennesima volta ad un seminario straordinario, straordinario come tutti gli altri, ma ogni volta un po' diverso.
Taira Sensei, capo dell’Okinawa Gōjū Ryū Kenkyūkai, si è espresso come al solito al meglio con il piacere, la generosità e il sorriso di condividere la sua ricerca con tutti noi.
C’è qualcosa di geniale nella sua interpretazione del Karate, nel suo modo di studiare il Karate, nel suo modo di presentare e offrire il Karate, il suo Karate.
Dopo che si è incontrato Taira Sensei si fa veramente fatica ad immaginare che ci possa essere qualcosa altro, almeno questa è la mia opinione.
Desidero ringraziare il Maestro Buttazzoni e tutto il suo staff del Karate Udine che hanno reso possibile ancora una volta lo svolgimento di questo evento meraviglioso. E quest’anno è stato un appuntamento speciale perchè si festeggiava il trentennale della prima visita del Maestro Taira in Italia.
Il seminario ha consentito certamente di apprezzare e di vivere l'aggiornamento continuo del nostro Karate attraverso Taira Sensei.
Ma soprattutto permette di riunire sotto uno stesso tetto, e qui la parola Gasshō assume tutto il suo significato più profondo, tantissime persone da tutte le parti del mondo, ognuno con la propria personalità, ognuno con il proprio vissuto, ognuno con il proprio Karate, ma che sotto la guida di Taira Sensei diventa un unicum.
Grazie per tutto questo, grazie per questi tre giorni fantastici, grazie per la serata di chiusura.


Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Aivaras Sensei in Syracuse, April



 Join us for an Unforgettable Tairabunkai Basics & Kobudo Seminar in the USA!

I’m excited to invite you to Tairabunkai Basics & Kobudo Seminar in Syracuse, NY, from April 25–27, 2025, at SMAK Dojo!

This is a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of Tairabunkai and Goju Ryu through practical applications and drills. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, this seminar will challenge and inspire you!

Let’s train together, explore new insights, and continue building our Tairabunkai practice. All passionate Karateka are welcome!

For more details, contact or visit

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunday, 5 January 2025

TairaBasics seminar, Geel, Belgium

 Do not miss the 7th Taira Bunkai Basics seminar with Aivaras sensei 7th dan OGRK Lithuania in Geel.

It is the perfect preparation for the 2nd Taira sensei seminar August 22-23-24 / 2025 in Geel Belgium.
For more info contact:

Brewster NY September


Italy 2025 Updated

 We have a new poster and registration information for Udine seminar 2024

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Sensei Kurucova's report on her NY Seminar


Taira Bunkai Seminar Brewster NY , August 30th – September 1st, 2024

From Sensei Milada Kurucova

We had 31 participants join us for this seminar with some coming from very far. It was an honor to meet Sensei Steve Nedelkos and his lovely wife Janine from Australia, we had several Canadian friends attend, Sensei Mike Sywyk despite of his busy schedule joined us for 2 days, Julie from Okinawa that was so amazing to talk to and  helpful with translating, explain the appropriate etiquette and just very lovely to meet, Sensei Frenette joined us with 2 of his students, Sensei Marie-Lou with one student, Sensei Chis Langello, Sensei Tanka came from Florida with several of his students joining, Sensei John and Nancy from Saugerties, Sensei Chad Merriman joined us and it was an honor to have him present at the event, Sensei Dwyer with 5 of his students and so many other practitioners from all over the country.

Sensei Chuck Nuccio accommodated Sensei Taira, took care of his travels and everything he needed.

Training started on Friday 8/30 at 6pm, Sensei Taira was in a great mood and started with several basic drills, later going into Seyunchin Renzoku that we practiced in sections with new and always interesting changes.

Friday training ended at 8pm, and was followed by dinner in the conference room of the dojo building catered by restaurant with amazing sushi, we had cold and warm dishes that everyone enjoyed, Sensei Taira was having a great time singing to his favorite music playing in the background and party went until 1am.

Saturday started with a grading of one of Brewster dojo students that was grading for Shodan.

Training started at 1pm and with a little break for refreshments, fruit and drinks, it went to 5pm. Sensei was teaching Gekisai and Sanseiru Renzoku in parts with several new changes, we went over opening, drills for transitions and throws.

Saturday training was then followed by a dinner at nearby restaurant Clocktower Grill at 7pm, everyone had a great time and was able to socialize in a private room with delicious food and a great company.

Sunday training started at 10am, we have continued working on a drills from Seyunchin Renzoku, Seipai Renzoku, there was a lunch break 12-1 where we had food served from a local deli at the conference room so we didn’t have to leave the building and get right back to training after some refreshments.

We continued working on Sanseiru with some arm conditioning in Shikodachi as well as sit ups with Sensei.