
Friday 14 November 2014

NZ Seminar

We had Taira sensei in Dunedin for 6 days of training. We also had a Yudansha Shinsa (did I get that right?).

We'd like to congratulate Lynley Nesbit, Arend Sijnja, Brendon Dey, Linda Groenewegen, Brent Osborne and Laszlo Kaminszky on successful promotion.

We were really glad to see our out of town visitors: Steve Nedelkos, Russ Grosvenor and Michael James from Australia, Nigel Stupples from Christchurch, Dan Smart from Wellington, and Peter Turner and Sennen Harry from Auckland. And not least 3 from Go Kan Ryu.

There will be a proper seminar report in the next newsletter

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